Wednesday, January 14, 2009

On The Oprah Winfrey Show Today: Oprah Brings Spirituality to TV with Elizabeth Lesser, Co-founder of Omega Institute and Author of "Breaking Open"

Oprah features Elizabeth Lesser, co-founder and senior adviser of Omega Institute, and author of the book, "Breaking Open."

Today's show focuses on how to transcend the broken moments and use them as opportunities to "break open" to a new spiritual awakening.

Elizabeth is also being featured on Oprah's Spirituality webcast tonight, which you can participate in for free at 9:00 EST.

Oprah has been criticized in the past for bringing spirituality onto her talk show. The criticism seems to come mostly from conservative Christians who have a view of spirituality that is more narrow and non-inclusive.

I think it's much to Oprah's credit that she ignores the criticism and follows her heart.

Her show is part of her mission on planet earth, and to deny the impulse that she feels to raise the consciousness of the planet would be to deny her very essence. The reason Oprah has been loved and admired for all these years is because she inspires us. Those who can't honor and respect what inspires her should just turn the channel and tune back in for a celebrity interview.

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